Apparently others are...and this is a hot topic this morning. I got up at the butt ass crack of dawn to meet with a potential printer for our upcoming comic book projects. We provided them with an example of what type of material we were going to produce two weeks ago. Admittedly filled with graphic violence; their representative told us he had shown it to his boss and that it was ok.
Then they show up this morning, look at the book again, tell us they need to go pray because they feel dirty and walk away with a look of disgust. What the fuck?
This came up a couple of months ago with the picture above and another printer. I was informed that this image was offensive and my normal printer would not reproduce this image on a t-shirt. Are you offended? If so, what is so offensive? This is an amazing piece that I commissioned the great Ben Templesmith to produce for me. I have had this on the wall just inside the front door and have yet to have someone complain.
Is it right to force your principles on another in business? Should I refuse to sell superhero books because 99% of them are heaping loads of crap? Should I refuse to sell magic cards to youngsters because it promotes 'satanic ritualistic paganesque principles'?
Fuck you. Get over yourself.
I love the art work above and the artwork in your store, on your post on FB and I am a fan of the off. Obviously the printers don't understand who the fans are.