Thursday, December 31, 2009

I resolve to...

...keep writing. with myself in the mirror more. like its...wait, what year is it?

...keep smiling for the masses, while silently passing gasses. so much it hurts my face. dirty things to your couch.

...tolerate things I normally wouldn't.

...stand behind the few decisions I make that change the world.

...reinstate my prior philanthropic ways. my wife more and more each year.

...loathe children more and more each year.

...continue calling friends and family that can't seem to figure out how a fucking phone works.

...promote each and every up and coming artist and writer who impresses me.

...find a shampoo that will address my hyperkeratosis.

...use big words like hyperkeratosis.

...have a full year with no breakdowns or breakdancing.

...cry like a school girl only during sad commercials. a better man.

...pick up my underwear in the bathroom.

...take a walk every once in awhile.

...shimmy while I shake.

...have my gut smaller than my butt.

...tell myself things I won't tell anyone else.

...not dissolve.

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